Regardless of whether you qualify for low cost auto insurance coverage has a lot to do with you. If you have a poor driving record or place a lot of miles on your automobile, it will be far more difficult for you get a low premium. However, factors outdoors your control based on exactly where you live can also influence your rates. Because of laws, traffic, weather, crime prices and other aspects, some states and cities have much less expensive auto insurance than other individuals — and city dwellers are often at a disadvantage.
But that does not mean you have to live in a rural area to get a very good deal on car insurance. Final year, NerdWallet calculated typical vehicle insurance premiums for the 125 biggest U.S. cities and discovered the 30 cities with the lowest rates. Some states also stood out for their high number of inexpensive cities. If you like living in a city and also like low automobile insurance coverage premiums, you can locate luck in 1 of these states.
North Carolina
Thanks to a exclusive rate-setting technique, North Carolina is home to some of the lowest car insurance rates in the nation. Six North Carolina cities — Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Raleigh, Durham, Charlotte and Fayetteville — ranked in the leading 10 cheapest cities for vehicle insurance coverage buyers, according to the study. North Carolina also took each and every of the top 5 spots. Winston-Salem is the U.S. city with the least expensive car insurance premiums, with an average annual premium of $ 969.8.
Outside of North Carolina, Idaho has the next least expensive city for vehicle insurance. NerdWallet’s survey discovered that Boise residents paid the sixth-lowest premiums nationwide amongst city drivers, with an average annual price of $ 1,221.65
New York
New York City certainly isn’t synonymous with low-cost auto insurance, but if you venture upstate, there’s cheaper automobile insurance to be located. Rochester boasts the 6th-least-expensive premiums in the survey, with an typical annual expense of $ 1,249.26.
The state of Washington also has one city in the top 8. Spokane drivers came in ninth spot for low automobile insurance charges, paying an typical of $ 1,307.68 in premiums each and every year.
Montgomery rounds out the best 10 least expensive cities for automobile insurance coverage. Residents there pay an typical of $ 1,375.82 for their annual premium. Birmingham and Mobile also make the best 30, at No. 12 and No. 15 on the list, respectively.
North Carolina, Idaho, New York, Washington and Alabama are not the only states whose cities have comparatively low-cost auto insurance coverage. Virginia makes a great displaying, with 3 cities in the Hampton Roads area appearing in the leading 30. And California drivers can also discover low rates, with 8 cities in the best 30, which includes San Diego, San Jose and Bakersfield.
You might not be able to control exactly where you live, but whether you reside in the city or in the county, or in the north, south, east or west, low cost car insurance coverage is not out of your reach.
Image of Winston-Salem, the city with the cheapest auto insurance coverage, by way of iStock.
five States Exactly where You Can Locate the Cheapest Car Insurance coverage
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